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Top 10 Programming Languages That Pay High Salaries

There are many types of programming languages. It isn’t easy to decide which one to study. But if your goal is to do a masters in programming and want to earn a good amount in future with this profession, then you must choose wisely. You must go through and check out which programming language is paying more.

If you are also planning to make programming language as a profession, then check out the list given which shows which programming languages pay high salary. According to the stack overflow survey, the developers who use programming languages like Scala, Go, Kotlin has the highest packages. These languages pay around $1,50,000, which is the highest pay. However, other languages which are used mostly like python are down on the list, but it also pays a fair amount of salary.

Here is the list of highest paying programming languages.

Top 10 Highest Paying Programming Languages

1. Scala $1,50,000/yr

Scala developer salary

Scala is used at many big and well-monetized companies. It comes first in the list because most of the big names like Twitter, Apple, Verizon and others use this language. This is why Scala is in the first position in the list. The static types of Scala help in avoiding bugs. The JVM and JavaScript runtimes allow you to build high-performance systems easily. For object-oriented programmers, Scala is easy to learn.

Features of Scala programming language:

  1. High-level language: Abstracts away low-level concepts like pointers and memory management.
  2. Concise syntax: Reduces boilerplate code and improves readability.
  3. Dynamic feel: Offers a flexible and expressive coding experience.
  4. Expressive type system: Supports advanced type inference and functional programming concepts.
  5. Functional programming language: Treats functions as first-class citizens and encourages immutability.
  6. Object-oriented language: Supports classes, objects, and inheritance.

Average Salary for Scala developer is around $1,50,000 per year based on ZipRecruiter and StackOverflow data.

2. Go – $1,40,000/yr

Go Lang Salary

Go programming language was introduced and developed by Google in November 2009. It is an open-source platform which is used for projects in the corporation and many other popular services like Netflix, Twitch, Uber, and SoundCloud. This language has become so popular because it allows doing multi-threaded tasks like fast start-up time and uses memory only when it is needed.

Features of GoLang:

  1. Fast execution and compilation
  2. Native binaries
  3. Simple and clear language design
  4. Powerful standard library
  5. Effective package management
  6. Golang offers greater scope for scalability

Average Salary for Go Lang developer is around $1,40,000 per year.

3. Objective-C – $1,35,000/yr

Objective C Salary

The Objective-C programming language can be used to develop apps in the Apple devices for Mac OS  X and iOS. Even after a new programming language named Swift was developed, the Objective-C language is the first choice of most of the developers. However, the connection with Apple promotes the job search for a specialist and gives a high level of salary.

Features of Objective-C programming language:

  1. General-purpose, object-oriented language
  2. Inherits syntax, primitive types, and flow control statements from C
  3. Language-level support for object graph management and object literals
  4. Dynamic typing and binding, deferring many responsibilities until runtime
  5. Compatibility with C++ code (Objective-C++)

Average salary for Objective-C developer is around $1,35,000 per year.

4. Kotlin – $1,30,000

Kotlin salary

Kotlin is a cross-platform and a general-purpose programming language with type inference. A Kotlin Programming language is developed by the IT company JetBrains. This language is the official development language for Android. It is very easy to understand and learn Kotlin, and it has laconic syntax. This language is compatible with Java, and it also has support from Google.

Features of Kotlin:

  1. Clean, compact syntax
  2. Single type system
  3. Functions and functional programming
  4. Operator overloading
  5. Interoperability with Java
  6. JavaScript support and interoperability
  7. Gradle support
  8. Increased safety in development

Average salary for Kotlin developer is around $1,30,000 per year

5. Ruby – $1,30,000/yr

Ruby dev salary

Ruby programming language gained more popularity as it is a tool for developing web apps. Most of the worldwide services have used this language for developing the server part. The main purpose of Ruby language is to create a powerful and understandable program. Where the speed of the program is not important, but the development time, clarity, and simplicity are.

Features of Ruby language:

  1. Object-oriented
  2. Flexibility
  3. Expressive feature
  4. Visual appearance
  5. Dynamic typing and Duck typing
  6. Exception handling
  7. Portable
  8. Case sensitivity

Average salary for Ruby developer is around $1,30,000 per year.

6.  Perl – $1,30,000/yr

Perl dev salary

Originally, Perl programming language was developed for text manipulation, but now it is used for many other tasks. Like now, Perl is used for system administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, and more. Learning Perl language is easy; it is just like other programming languages. If you have experience of a writing C program, a shell script or a basic program, then you are already in.

Perl programming language features include:

  1. Text processing and manipulation capabilities.
  2. Integration of features from other languages like C, awk, sed, sh, and BASIC.
  3. Database integration interface (DBI) supporting third-party databases such as Oracle, Sybase, Postgres, MySQL, and others.
  4. Compatibility with HTML, XML, and other markup languages.
  5. Support for both procedural and object-oriented programming.
  6. Interfacing with external C/C++ libraries through XS or SWIG.

Average Salary for Perl developer is around $1,30,000 per year.

7. C# – $1,10,000/yr

C Sharp Salary

C# is a modern and object-oriented programming language, pronounced as “C Sharp”. It is developed by Microsoft led by Anders Hejlsberg and his team. The Microsoft team has developed this language to develop apps on .NET platforms. If you want to create native apps under MS, then C# is better for you. One of the best advantages of this language is its simplicity and the ability to focus on the algorithm.

Features of C# programming language:

  1. Simple and modern programming language
  2. Object-oriented
  3. Type safe
  4. Interoperability and scalable
  5. Component oriented
  6. Structured programming language
  7. Garbage collection and automatic memory management
  8. Support for creating console, Windows, and web applications

Average Salary for C# programming language is around $1,10,000 per year.

8. Python – $1,20,000/yr

Python dev salary

Python is a high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. It is used for web development, AI, machine learning, operating systems, mobile application development, and video games. We can say, Python is the most popular and powerful programming languages. It is mainly used for mathematical calculations, data analysis, web development, and more. The most popular apps like YouTube, Dropbox, Reddit and Google have used Python language to develop the apps.

Features of Python programming language:

  1. Easy to Learn and Use: Python has a simple and readable syntax, making it beginner-friendly.
  2. Free and Open Source: It is free to install python and its source code can be modified and distributed.
  3. Interpreted Language: Python code is executed line by line, making debugging easier.
  4. Dynamically Typed: Variables in Python do not require explicit type declaration.
  5. Object-Oriented Language:  Supports object-oriented programming concepts like classes and inheritance.
  6. GUI Programming Support: It allows the creation of graphical user interfaces using modules like PyQt5 and Tk.
  7. Integrated Language: It can be easily integrated with other languages like C and C++.

Average salary for Python programmer is around $1,20,000 per year.

9. Java – $1,20,000/yr

Java programmer salary

Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language. It is the most highly-demanded language used among employers and developers. This language is used to develop products in the banking sector and in automated testing. Java applications are compiled to Bytecode which can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Mostly, Java is used to create both server and mobile apps and is also used for developing native apps for Android.

Features of Java language:

  1. Simple: Java has a clean and easy-to-understand syntax, making it easy to learn and write.
  2. Object-Oriented: It supports OOP concepts such as Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism.
  3. Portable: Java code can be run on any platform, making it portable and platform-independent.
  4. Architecture-neutral: Java is architecture neutral, with no implementation-dependent features.
  5. Multi-threaded: Supports multiple threads, allowing concurrent execution of tasks.
  6. Dynamic: Supports dynamic loading of classes, dynamic compilation, and automatic memory management (garbage collection).

Median salary for Java programmer is $1,20,000 per year.

10. Swift – $1,25,000/yr

Swift dev salary

Swift is a multi-paradigm, compiled programming language which is developed by Apple. It is mainly used for developing apps for macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS. This programming language is a universal language mainly for Apple products. One of the best advantages of this language is speed. It works fastest on the project and also while launching the app when it is ready. Just because of its speed, this language has become popular.

Features of Swift programming language:

  1. Easy to read and write: Swift has a clean and expressive syntax, making it easier for developers to read and write code.
  2. Fast: It is designed for high performance, with LLVM compiler technology and efficient standard library functions.
  3. Functional programming patterns: Supports functional programming patterns like map and filter, making it easier to work with complex data structures.
  4. Advanced control flow: It offers concise iteration over ranges and collections, as well as pattern matching and other advanced control flow features.
  5. Open-source: Swift has been open-source since December 2015, fostering a large community and a wealth of third-party tools.

Average salary for Swift developer is $1,25,000 per year.

What is the Best Programming Language to Learn?

1. Python

Python is popular programming language favored by those working in back-end development, app development, data science, and machine learning. It is known for its simplicity and extensive library support, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced coders.

2. Go Lang

Golang is a popular and open-source programming language developed by Google. It boasts a simple and clean syntax, making it easy for beginners to learn and experienced programmers to quickly understand someone else’s code.

Golang is a powerhouse when it comes to performance – it compiles straight to machine code, skipping the need for a virtual machine, giving it a major speed boost over languages like JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.

3. SQL

SQL stand for Structured Query Language, is a programming language designed for managing and manipulating data in relational databases. Relational databases store information in tables with rows and columns representing different data attributes and relationships between data values.

Its flexibility allows data experts to maintain, create, and retrieve information from relational databases, which separate data into columns and rows. This enables them to access, update, manipulate, insert, and modify data effectively.

Many prominent companies use SQL in their tech stacks, such as Accenture, Stack Overflow, Alibaba Group, Intuit. With numerous prominent companies relying on SQL for their database management needs, mastering this language can lead to a rewarding and successful career.

To learn a programming language effectively, focus on the fundamentals, ask for help when needed, put your knowledge into action, and utilize online resources such as GeeksforGeeks, FreeCodeCamp, MIT App Inventor, and Khan Academy.


This article offers the author’s opinion for educational purposes only, and should not be regarded as investment advice. By continuing to use it, you acknowledge that Howstack and the team do not provide any financial or investment advice. The information related to average salary provided here is based on data published by ZipRecruiter and StackOverflow.

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